Leadership Team

Lead Pastor
Ronnie and Angel Hinson came to this church in 2008 as youth pastors, serving 7 years in Fuel. In 2015, he was chosen to step in to the role of Lead Pastor. He has been involved in ministry since 1999 and an ordained minister since 2005. Angel leads our worship team and the EFA Sisterhood Connect Group for ladies. They have 2 boys who keep them busy! Together, they have a heart to see the Church of Jesus Christ grow by reaching the lost and serving our community.

Kids Pastor
Darin & Sabrina became part of the Ellettsville First Assembly team in December of 2016. Darin studied through Global University and at Indiana School of Ministry. He is an ordained minister that has twenty plus years of ministry experience. Sabrina works as a teaching administrator in the MCCSC school district, growing kids minds in elementary school. They love their 4 children with all their hearts! Darin and Sabrina have a passion to Teach, Reach, and Love kids and their families for the Lord.

Youth Pastor
Mike and Ann Gastineau have attended EFA for decades and have two awesome boys. It's just recently that Mike sensed a call of God on his life for ministry. Mike is currently enrolled in Indiana School of Ministry through the Indiana Assemblies of God and works part-time for EFA in leading our students. Their heart is to be available for God to use them in whatever ways He desires!

Church Secretary
Kathy Stanley has faithfully served in our church office since 2009. She helps all our Pastors in an administrative capacity while adding to the ministry of the church in an incredible variety of ways. Administration is a gift and Kathy functions in that gifting with a great heart for the people in our community.